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e-mail: web@jorgemauricio.com
Mobile / WhatsApp (US): +1 929 277 8388
Mobile / WhatsApp (BR): +55 11 9 8213 5988
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Creative Areas

Important note: the web projects within this area of the portfolio were carried out over almost 20 years of activity in the field, which constantly changes its technological and aesthetic aspects. Thus, many projects may not have the navigation and look that we are accustomed nowadays. On the other hand, this part ends up working as a reference on the significant changes that web development has undergone throughout this period. If you need more project sample, please request by e-mail, as there are many projects recently finished, that its graphic material hasn’t yet been completed, in order to include in the portfolio section.

Portal dos Jogadores - Versão 3.0

Redesign of the collaborative portal 2.0 / social network, developed for the professional and amateur soccer segment, with the goal of facilitating relations between managers, clubs, coaches, agents a ...

Search Me Real Estate

Site for a foreign company to expose some real estate investment opportunities in the United States and Europe.


Portal for posting ads / classified vacancies in apartments, very similar to RoomGo. However, it is targeted at the LGBT public and the registered users themselves can announce their vacant rooms.

Miss Charmosae

e-commerce for a company that sells women fashion clothes from many different brands, with operations in São Paulo.

Roupa do Ciclista

e-commerce for a company that sells bike riders accessories and clothing from many different brands, with operations in São Paulo.