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e-mail: web@jorgemauricio.com
Mobile / WhatsApp (US): +1 929 277 8388
Mobile / WhatsApp (BR): +55 11 9 8213 5988
Access portfolio. Access information on private lessons and training. More information on services and solutions.

Side Projects

Soccer Player´s Portal

My second commercial portal. During the period that YouTube still didn't belong to Google, it also didn't offer high quality videos and couldn't upload anything longer than 10 minutes. So, I created this portal for soccer managers to include their player's videos for immediate sending for their business partners, saving time and money with DVD copy and postal service. After YouTube's quality policy changed, this kind of service didn't make sense any longer. So I released free account sign-up until I find another way to earn money with it.

Programador Visual (Visual Programmer)

My first site offering services. In this site, I portrait myself as a freelancer, for companies that seeks this kind of professionals to develop their projects. I separated a small selection of projects that I think has the importance necessary for clients that search freelancers to work with.

Planejamento Visual (Visual Planning)

My company's website, developed on flash to measure the efficiency of a site with sophisticated animations, for the period it was developed in. It really made a difference, for the return achieved, depending on the marketing strategy thought of.

The target audience is anyone seeking a company to develop their project, due to security reasons, fiscal, or any other.

SyncSystem - Menos Código, Mais Lógica (SyncSystem - Less Code, More Logic)

I created a website for the framework I developed, to help explain what’s about. Soon I will make the system available free download, because the important part is not the system’s source code, but how to plan and execute its construction and architecture. No one better for this task than its own creator.

Besides this technical information and enlightenment on the system’s modules, it also works for a preliminary disclosure of any secondary system that I would to market.

Criação Web Design – Dicas, Ferramentas e Bastidores do Mercado (Web Design Creation - Tips, Tools and Insider’s Info)

I developed this site with the purpose of serving as a platform for publishing articles, tutorials and tips for some specific points about web design and to address some subjects related to customer relationship methodology, in order to have a better follow up on the project’s progress.

It’s still in the early stages, with little content available. Anyway, the idea would be to update constantly, over time.

Portal Rio Imóveis (Rio's Real Estate Portal)

Project for adds on Real Estate negotiation only located in Rio. Offered for free, until it becomes popular, so I can think about the financial part. I still have to change some details about it before investing on marketing again. There are a few apartments registered and a small quantity of active users.

Perfumes Similares (Perfumes Alike)

Simple e-commerce for perfumes with fragrances alike the original known ones, on the market. Produced by Paris Elysses, has a great quality and that's the reason for my interest on commercializing it, besides getting to know about the business operation from a merchant's point of view. Project in partnership with a friend of mine responsible for the commercial and operational part.

Blog Melhores Feijoadas do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro's Best Feijoadas Blog)

One of my first blogs. The subject is gastronomy, which is already well explored over the internet. The basic difference about this one is being only related to one dish, one city and organized by a kind of ranking.
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Sistema Dinâmico - Serviço de Hospedagem Web e Servidores Cloud

Special web hosting service available through the company I founded - Planejamento Visual - Arte e Tecnologia. Strategic partnerships with state-of-the-art providers for various types of stable servers.

Blog Rio Let’s GO (Rio Let’s Go Blog)

Blog created to inform about some options of places to go, outside Rio’s touristic axis. Kind of tips / suggestions made by local residents. Content in English, aimed at the young foreign audience. Divided into several categories.